UPS/FedEx/TNT/Purolator - Customers are responsible for inspecting their order when it arrives to ensure there are no damage or missing items. If such is the case, notify the delivery person immediately, and contact us within seven days of receipt. We are not responsible for discrepancies beyond this time period.
Freight Carrier - Customers are responsible for carefully inspecting all contents of their order before signing the freight carrier's bill of lading. Once the bill is signed, the customer acknowledges that the product has been received in good condition and we are no longer responsible for any damaged or missing items. If damages are found at a future time, a concealed damage claim should be filed with the freight carrier.
If damages are found during initial inspection, the shipment should be refused, and the carrier is required to take the package back. If only the external packaging is damaged, but the product is not, the shipment should be accepted. However, a note should be added to the bill of lading stating the nature of the damage. This will protect you in the case of concealed damage found at a future time.